Video Transcript
Hello, I am Jen Blyth CEO of Deaf Australia. This video is a summary of 2022, the last one for the year. I want to talk about what we’ve done for the past year but before I start, I really want to acknowledge those who worked with Deaf Australia this year 2022. Without those people involved, it would’ve been impossible for Deaf Australia to continue as it has; impossible to achieve what we have achieved.
So, a summary of what we’ve done; would this include everything that was done? Nope, I’m only selecting a few things, you can have a look for more in DA Facebook page, see the post of slides of statistics - you’ll be impressed and think, wow, we have done a lot over this past year!
Deaf Australia supported four auspices which means four organisations who were not yet running their organisations as an incorporated entity and had ACNs. We oversaw their establishment as organisations and provided support; later they became independent and could stand on their own, like a young bird flying away from its nest for the first time. So there is four of them this year.
We sent off 13 submissions to the DRC (Disability Royal Commission); thirteen altogether, about deaf people this year on topics of importance.
We created the SBS Vodcast series of 6 videos. They were watched by many; they were popular and enjoyable viewing. The positive feedback was amazing. Will there be more of this next year? We’re still working this out at present.
We developed eLearning courses for the Deaf community, with most focusing on advocacy. This will be released soon, you can watch and learn, choose from one of 6 topics.
This year we had an increase of 44 new members joining Deaf Australia. We thank them and hope that next year we can get even more members, beat that number of 44!
We had the Deaf Census with 1,216 people responding! Thank you so much for this! That data is really rich in information based on 85 questions asked, with 1,216 people answering. It will help us advocate effectively when we speak to people and tell them that it’s what the Deaf community has already indicated exactly what they need. We will release the report in Auslan and English next year. For now the data is being interpreted and summarised, it will be released next year and you can even use the information to advocate for yourself.
We sold 1,672 products through the Auslan shop, thank you to those who bought from us. We have been to AAT (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) which mean that when people have problems with the NDIA, with plans being rejected, or reviews not being satisfactory they go to the Tribunal to work it out. We supported 19 individuals altogether.
We have been to all the states in Australia, visited different events including the Deaf Festivals in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. We met hundreds and thousands of Deaf people from the Deaf community all around Australia, including Deafblind people, hard of hearing people, those who use Auslan, those who don’t and families. The contacts we’ve made from all around Australia has been amazing. An exhausting year!
We also organized for Auslan Santas. This organisation contacted us asking us to teach them a few signs and we suggested having a fluent Auslan Santa rather than teaching them about Auslan and Deaf people. They were willing, so this happened in Victoria, NSW and QLD.
We supported 18 individual advocacy cases this year.
We advocated the NDIA on a variety of topics; we had over 200 meetings with the NDIA. Whew. One significant achievement was that the NDIA accepted into their guidelines called ‘Will We Fund It?’ guidelines, which means when you make a request, you can point them to this document published on their website that shows they have made a commitment to always fund a list of specific requested supports. They now commit to fund the request to provide Auslan tutoring to families. Families with deaf children wanting to learn Auslan to communicate with their child were often denied. After our advocacy efforts the NDIA has now guaranteed to fund this request which means families can learn Auslan to communicate with their deaf children. Amazing stuff.
We revamped our website, rebranded and made it look more polished and sparkling, with a new logo for events like Auslan Day, the Dot Shaw Writers Competition which we resumed last year. This year, we partnered with Sweeney Interpreting for the competition, thank you to Sweeney Interpreting. We have also organized the set up for the Crossing Borders Youth Camp to happen next year; however we have started organizing it now which is supported by Deaf Connect. Thank you Deaf Connect.
I could sign about what we’ve done for hours and hours, yet I think you’re a bit busy and have things to do, so I’ll wrap up. Deaf Australia will close through the Christmas period, because of course we all need a rest too! We will close from the 23rd of December to the 3rd of January. Some staff will be away for longer, including myself, but you can contact us at any time. You’ll have to be patient for a response, when we’re back in the office. I want to say to you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa. I don’t know the sign for it so if someone does know please let me know, it’d be appreciated and I can include it in the future, same as Hannukkah. I’m really looking forward to 2023, this year was amazing and next year will beat this! I’m looking forward to creating more videos to let you know what we’re doing, with your support. Thank you!
Visual description
Opening slide is a graphic with green background and watercolor plants around the border. The graphic reads: “Message from CEO Jen Blyth: 2022 Summary & Happy Holidays.” Jen Blyth is standing in front of a white, brick wall and signing to the camera. She has curly red hair and her mood is merry. She is wearing a dark long-sleeved sweater. Closing slide has Deaf Australia contact information. Email: [email protected]. Website: Mailing address: PO Box 31 Northcote, Victoria 3070. Facebook: Deaf Australia. Instagram: deafaustralia. Twitter: @deafaustralia.
2022 Year in Review, Part 1
Visual descriptions, Part 1
Slide 1
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Photograph is of Catherine, a Deaf Australia staff who is a white woman with brown shoulder length hair. She is wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt and smiling while signing at a man whose back is turned to the camera. He is wearing a baseball cap and brown hoodie. Text is light green and orange. Text reads: “Welcome to our 2022 Year in Review (Part 1). Read about our work this year.” There is an arrow pointing to the right to indicate you can swipe through the images. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 2
Graphic features text on a dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Advocacy”. Main text reads: “10 venues and festivals visited as part of our community Roadshow efforts. 19 Australia Administrative Tribunals. 20 newspaper/online media articles to raise awareness of Deaf issues. 8 states and territories visited to meet with Deaf people and communities. 1 sector-wide approach to Deaf Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Access. [Unlimited icon] met with countless numbers of Deaf people; CEO’s inbox is always open.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 3
Graphic features text on a dark green background, with blurred out image of Statements and Papers page on the Deaf Australia website. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Advocacy”. Main text features icons and bullet points of statistics information as follows: “[Santa icon] 1 Auslan Santa made available in 3 states. [Folder icon] 16 position/policy statements. [Letter icon] 2 expert letters. [Mentor icon] 4 auspices. [Person icon] 18 individual advocacy cases. [Letter with back arrow icon] 3 responses to articles. [Newspaper with video icon] 4 media releases. [Hand holding paper icon] 3 inquiry submissions.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 4
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Advocacy”. Photograph features four Deaf people chatting away in sign language. Two of them are black and two of them are white. They are all dressed in smart casual attire. Main text reads: “200 NDIA-related meetings attended. This work directly impacted policy changes in the NDIA. For example: Auslan tutoring for families is now included as a standard offering, instead of the individual having to fight for it.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 5
Photograph with caption at the bottom. Photograph features three women standing in front of a Deaf Australia sign. On the left is Shirley, a fair woman with dark hair, wearing a navy blue t-shirt. In the middle is Paula, with blonde curly hair and dark framed glasses, wearing an Australian native plant shirt. On the right is Jen, with red curly hair and clear framed glasses, wearing a black t-shirt. They are all smiling for the camera and appear happy. Caption on the bottom reads: “Shirley, Paula, and Jen at the Brisbane Deaf Festival.”
Slide 6
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Deaf Days of Significance”. Photograph features screenshots of the different Days of Significance logos, graphics, and photographs. They are: National Week of Deaf People logo, Auslan Day Video Competition graphic, Dot Shaw Writing Competition graphic image of Dot Shaw, Photograph from the Collin Allen AM Lecture series of the lecturer on stage, and the 2022 Deaf Census logo. Main text reads: “Branding, promoting, and creation of events for Deaf days of significance including: Auslan Day, National Week of People, Dot Shaw Young Writers Competition, Collin Allen AM Lecture, Deaf Census 2022, and many more!” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 7
Graphic features text on a dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Deaf Days of Significance”. Main text reads: “51 applicants for Auslan Day video competition. 72 tickets for Collin Allen Lecture sold. 4 events hosted, including hybrid-style (in-person and online) Collin Allen Lecture. 3 Deaf Australians of the Year elected with award ceremony and certificate. 1 Crossing Borders Youth Camp (with partner Deaf Connect). 53 applicants for Dot Shaw Young Writers Competition (with partner Sweeney Interpreting).” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 8
Photograph with caption at the bottom. Photograph features person on stage signing during the Collin Allen AM Lecture series presented this year. They are wearing glasses and a black t-shirt, and have rainbow colored hair. They are standing in front of a projector slide screen, that reads “Why we must lead by example” with several photographs from the media. Caption on the bottom reads: “Photograph from our Collin Allen AM Lecture series.”
Slide 9
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Website Updates”. Photograph features a screenshot of the old Deaf Australia website in the background with an arrow pointing to a screenshot of the new Deaf Australia website on top. Main text reads: “1 new website design released.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 1”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 10
Graphic features text on a dark green background, with blurred out image of all the webinars we have hosted fro the Deaf Australia website. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Website Updates”. Main text reads: “120 videos uploaded to Vimeo. 7 Deaf ecosystem webinars. 113 attendees for one webinar. 496 total people registered for all webinars. 41 new website pages with updates, webinars, competitions and more. 41 email newsletters sent to our members and stakeholders.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “That’s all for Part 1! Keep an eye out for Part 2 coming soon.”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
2022 Year in Review, Part 2
Visual descriptions, Part 2
Slide 1
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Photograph features Ipek, a light-skinned person with dark curly hair. She is smiling cheekily at the camera, and resting her face in her hand. She is working on a laptop at a desk. Behind her on the wall, there are colorful post it notes. Text is light green and orange. Text reads: “Welcome to our 2022 Year in Review (Part 2). Read about our work this year.” There is an arrow pointing to the right to indicate you can swipe through the images. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 2
Graphic features text on a dark green background, with blurred out image of Edan Chapman, the Disability Royal Commission Officer at Deaf Australia in 2022. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Disability Royal Commission”. Main text features icons and bullet points of statistics information as follows: “[Meeting at a table icon] 110 DRC-related meetings attended. [Folder icon] 13 documents submitted. [Two witnesses at witness stand icon] 1 expert witness at public hearing. [Calendar with star event icon] 3 events hosted to support community members. [Unlimited icon] many individual submissions and support coordinated.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 3
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Social Media”. Main text reads: “Most liked Facebook post this year: launch of Our Deaf Ways Vodcast with partner SBS” with a screenshot of the Facebook post. It shows the cover of the first episode titled Introducing Our Deaf Ways, with portrait of a man and woman who are interviewed in the episode. “Most liked Instagram post this year: Auslan Day video competition announcement,” with a screenshot of the Instagram post. It shows the Auslan Day logo with an illustration of hands signing “Celebrate”, with tagline “An initiative by Deaf Australia Inc.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 4
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Social Media”. Photograph is a screenshot of the latest posts made on the Facebook page. There are 10 images in total, with subjects ranging from Disability Royal Commission events to Deaf Festival attendance. Main text reads: “178 posts online for Facebook and Instagram [Facebook and Instagram logos]. 847 Facebook likes growth from 2021 [Facebook logo]. 772 Instagram followers growth from 2021 [Instagram logo].” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 5
Photograph with caption at the bottom. Photograph features three people standing together smiling at the camera. They are all wearing black shirts. Erin is on the left with curly brown hair, Shanleigh is in the middle with blonde hair tied back, and Lem is on the right with short brown hair. Caption on the bottom reads: “Erin meeting with Shanleigh and Lem from Deaf Hub Bendigo to plan Crossing Borders Youth Camp. CBYC is supported by Deaf Connect as part of their investment in Deaf youth and future Deaf leaders.”
Slide 6
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “eLearning Courses”. Main text is three pieces of information with screenshots attached. First: “1 new eLearning portal developed for our online courses [Screenshot of the first page in the eLearning course for Advocacy].” Second: “7 courses content developed with industry leaders [Three headshots of people that wrote course content: 1 Legal Craig, 2 Catherine Miller, 3 Jen Blyth].” Third: “3 courses Auslan video translations prepared with partner Auslan Consultancy [Auslan Consultancy logo].” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 7
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Our Deaf Ways Vodcast Series”. Photograph is a screenshot of the SBS website where the Our Deaf Ways series can be found, with thumbnails of all 6 episodes videos. Main text reads: “6 episodes produced and created with partner SBS. 5,300 views on first episode that launched on Auslan Day, April 13. 17,392 total views on Youtube of the entire series.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 8
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Deaf Census”. Photograph is a screenshot of the Deaf Census survey first page, where there is an Auslan video introducing the survey. The person signing in the video is a white woman with curly white hair, her name is Darlene Thornton. There are two circles with previous graphic Instagram posts from the Deaf Census. One circle features the goal graphic of a thermometer from when the survey goal was reached. The other circle features the Deaf Census logo. Main text reads: “85 questions developed with research team and translated into Auslan. 60 days to prepare all translation and set up survey system that is Deaf-friendly. 1,216 responses to the Census received.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “Year in Review, Part 2”. Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.
Slide 9
Graphic features photograph and text on dark green background. Upper left hand corner text reads: “Auslan Shop”. There are two screenshots from the Deaf Australia website. On the left, the screenshot is of the membership sign up page with some information about why people should sign up. On the right, the screenshot is of the Auslan Shop page with most popular item for sale, a book titled Signs of Australia. There are two sticker graphics over the images with the statistic information. On the left the sticker reads: “44 new members.” On the right, the sticker reads: “1,672 products sold.” Lower left hand corner text reads: “That’s all folks! Thanks for reading.” Lower right hand corner features white Deaf Australia logo.