
Hello I’m Shirley, the acting CEO of Deaf Australia. Thank you all for your support and engagement with our video updates on the funding situation Deaf Australia is dealing with. We have been keeping track of your comments and questions on what will be happening as a result of these funding cuts. This video will provide you with an update.

As you would be aware, Deaf Australia is a member of the consortium with AFDO, Australian Federation of Disability Representative Organisations, there is a total of 7 member organisations as part of this consortium. Where we work together to lobby the government on disability specific issues, currently we are working together lobbying government on the reduction of funding, making government aware of the impacts this creates on our organisations, particularly our staff and operations. This reduction in funding severely restricts our capacity.

Deaf Australia applied for a core grant which we were not successful in receiving. But AFDO was successful in receiving a grant. This grant will be disbursed to all members of AFDO, this means Deaf Australia will receive $143,000 funding for one year. This funding will allow Deaf Australia to continue to employ some of our staff.

Deaf Blind Australia received no funding, they have now joined AFDO, and it has gone from 6 members to 7. Which means AFDO needs to negotiate with the government to increase the funding. We are hopeful Deaf Australia will receive $220,000 for one year, not $143,000. We are grateful for any increase.

AFDO are working hard on a campaign to increase awareness about this funding issue. AFDO are doing media interviews and meetings with the Government. Some organisations have been writing directly to Government Ministers, like Minister Rishworth and Minister Shorton, their Government departments look after various disability grants. Our focus is on the grants for DROs, Disability Representative Organisations, who do systemic advocacy.

Deaf Australia was not successful for ILC grants, which is a separate issue for us to respond to.

Our funding issue is time critical, as we are fast approaching the end of financial year. Deaf Australia is developing advocacy letters, and we would greatly appreciate your support. By downloading this advocacy letter, adding your details and sending to the Government Ministers. This will add pressure and highlight to the Government the important role of Deaf Australia and the work we do as a key advocate for our community. Such as advocate on issues related to our culture, language, and the important need for access. We appreciate your support. A link to our website will be made available this week for you to access and get more information.

Our team are currently very busy, wrapping up different projects as we approach the end of the financial year. The Board of Deaf Australia will be sharing more video updates in the coming weeks.

I would like to again thank you for your support while Deaf Australia responds to this funding issue. We appreciate your support as we do our best.

Thank you.

Visual description

A woman with black hair tied behind her head, in a blue long sleeve sweater, is standing against a cream-coloured wall, facing the camera and smiling. The content in the video is presented in Auslan, in a warm friendly and informative tone.

Please help us advocate to the government to increase our funding! You can use the downloadable letter below as a template.

People to email:
Sign our petition of support:

Letter to send to MP

Additional information

See previous updates regarding this issue

Watch latest CEO Update 5 June AFDO Canberra Delegation

AFDO's Media Release regarding current funding situation

CEO Update 28 May 2024

Media Release CEO Update 24 May

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