
Captioning Working Group – Communique, September 2013

The captioning Working Group met for the second time on 22 August to progress further the purposes of the group.

Anton Sammons was invited as an independent member to the Captioning Working Group. We still have one available position for an independent person; please contact Karen Lloyd at [email protected] for more information.

A brief update:

Cooperative Campaign:
Alex Varley from Media Access Australia provided an update on the captioning campaign which Media Access Australia is conducting. It will identify and target several programs and encourage the participants to lodge complaints on these selected programs. The industry believes the problem of poor captioning is not systemic and will not review the issues systemically, unless they receive several complaints about the same issue on the same program. Media Access Australia currently has nine willing participants. If you wish to participate in this campaign, please contact Chris Mikul at Media Access Australia at [email protected].
Digital Inclusion and Disability Forum: 
Kyle Miers, convenor of the Working Group gave a presentation to participants attending this forum organised by Infoxchange. His presentation focused on digital inclusion for deaf people.  It was well received by participants who represented the community sector, local and state governments and the information technology industry. Infoxchange asked Kyle to write an article about communication access and this was distributed to over 90,000 subscribers. You can read the article here. 

Captioning Principles:
One of the highlights of this meeting was the discussions about Captioning Principles. We agreed on ‘5 Stars Captioning’ principles which will provide us with a platform for best practice, best strategies and benchmarking so that captioning is of a high standard across all media/ video formats. The ‘5 Stars Captioning’ principles will also assist with campaign strategies. The group will continue polishing up the ‘5 Stars Captioning’ principles in the next few weeks.
Once the ‘5 Stars Captioning’ principles is finalised, we will work on a strategy for how to improve captioning across all areas of concern.  This which will be discussed at the next meeting, to be held in November.

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