Category: Deaf Australia News

37th Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Hello all. Deaf Australia will have its 37th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 18th November 2023 at 2PM Sydney/Melbourne time. Our AGM will be at Meat Market in North Melbourne. We will utilise a hybrid model, which means the AGM will be in person and live streamed online. Please register for the AGM so we can organise catering for those who will be attending in person.

There are some important information related to voting at the AGM.

Our new Constitution with big changes eg. length of membership becoming annual not lifetime. Please make sure you read the proposed new Constitution prior to the AGM. You will get a copy of the new Constitution along with this Notice.

Deaf Australia plans to change from an incorporated association to Company Limited by Guarantee. The change needs to be voted by members.

Board nominations as there are three positions available. If you are interested in joining the Deaf Australia Board, please send your nomination form by Sunday 5th November 2023.

If you are unable to attend our AGM but would like to vote, please send your Proxy and Apology form by Sunday 12th November 2023.

If you have any items to be added to the Agenda, please email our CEO by Sunday 5th November 2023. The email address is [email protected].

During the AGM, we will also present three awards: Deaf Australian of the Year, Deaf Youth Australian of the Year, and Community Volunteer of the Year.

Deaf Australia will also facilitate a Q&A evening on Friday 17th November 2023, the day before our AGM. This is to give you an opportunity to get clarification or ask questions about our new Constitution. More information will be shared soon. Hope to see you there!

Dear Member,

Deaf Australia Inc will hold its thirty-seventh (37th) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 18 November at 2.00 PM (Melbourne/Sydney) time at the Meat Market, North Melbourne, which will also be livestreamed online. 

To register in advance for the Annual General Meeting: Register here for online attendance. If you wish to attend in person, please fill out the RSVP form here

After registering, we will check your details against our membership database.* 

Important note: Make sure your full name and email address correspond with our database.

View attached PDFs:

  1. the notice of Annual General Meeting (PDF) | Watch the Auslan video above or on Vimeo
  2. the agenda for this meeting (PDF)
  3. the minutes of the last AGM (PDF)
  4. the minutes of the last SGM (PDF)
  5. the Annual Report (PDF)
  6. the Audited financial report (PDF)
  7. the new Constitution (PDF)

Q&A evening – 17th November 2023Deaf Australia will also run a Q&A evening on the 17th November 2023 at 6pm Melbourne/Sydney time where members will have the opportunity to get clarification or ask questions about our new constitution. Please register here.

Important dates deadline:

  1. Submit Board of Director nomination forms by Sunday, 5 November 2023;
  2. Propose your meeting agenda item/s by Sunday, 5 November 2023;
  3. Submit Apology and Proxy form by Sunday, 12 November 2023;
  4. Deaf Australia Awards 2023 Nominations by Sunday, 5 November 2023;

Quick Links:

*Note: Members of the public that are not DA members may join us at the in-person event in Melbourne or watch online via FB Livestream (not the Zoom meeting). However, they cannot vote or participate in matters of governance.

Shirley Acting CEO Update


Hello! My name is Shirley. My role is Community and Youth Adovcate. I know it’s been awhile since we’ve had a CEO update. Our CEO, Jen Blyth, is currently away on holidays enjoying her break. Now, I will summarise a few important messages that the Deaf community should know about.

We are very excited and have been working hard to prepare the Dot Shaw Young Writers Competition. It’s already launched and live! We are so excited for schools, Deaf Children and Deaf students to be able to get involved in the competition. It’s a really fantastic competition and we are so excited to see lots of beautiful different ideas come in. You can see more information on our website. Have a look there, you can see the theme. Plus the prizes and our sponsor, which will be announced soon.

Also, we want to acknowledge the community members who are little bit concerned and excited about the referendum that the Australian government announced will be on 14 October. Deaf Australia has had many discussions and there are people who are unsure about what voting yes or no means, how yes or no will impact us, and what is the information. It’s not very clear. They also want to know where they can go and how they can access that information. We at Deaf Australia have been working diligently to be able to provide balanced non-biased factual information, to make sure the Deaf community can make an informed decision before they vote in the referendum. We will be sharing further updates soon.

Lastly, we are very excited about the National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) which is coming up soon in September. We are also preparing and have information about the themes. We have a logo you can download and use on your events. Please let us know, we can share your events on our website, too. We also have a couple of things in the works that we are preparing so please watch this space.

Whew that’s a lot happening recently!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will try our best to respond to you. Thank you.

Visual descriptions

Opening slide: Opening slide features white Deaf Australia logo on a blue and green gradient background. Text reads "Acting CEO Update. Published 1 September 2023."

Video: Shirley is a light-skinned Asian person with dark hair. She is wearing her hair tied back and has a dark maroon coloured jumper on. The wall behind her is plain and beige. She is signing in a professional and friendly manner towards the camera.

Closing slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

New ABC article about the Voice referendum

First Nations man Leslie is Deaf. He only found out about the Voice referendum because of a T-shirt

Update from DA board member Kai regarding WFD 2027 Congress location


On 12th July, following the completion of the 2023 WFD Congress in South Korea, Deaf Australia would like to provide you with a follow-up update regarding the outcomes arising from the video released about the winning bid for the UAE to host the next WFD Congress in 2027.

Deaf Australia, along with 21 other countries, submitted a motion to call for an EGA (Extraordinary General Assembly) to address concerns related to the upcoming congress. The intention behind this motion is not to withdraw the hosting rights from the UAE but rather to ensure that no discrimination towards LGBTIQA+ people occur, and that freedom of speech is safeguarded during the event.

WFD has formally sent through an acknowledgement and receipt of this motion and has informed their members that the motion has been added to their next Board meeting agenda. We do not know when this board meeting is, but the Board has announced that they will provide updates to us in August about how they plan to proceed with the hosting of the EGA.

Normally, at the closing ceremony of the WFD Congress, the flag is handed over to the next hosting country. However, this did not happen, and we, Australia, are not happy about this. We think that the flag presentation should have happened, and normal processes should have happened while these issues were being resolved.

We are aware of another motion from 21 other countries who oppose the motion for an EGA. Their motion includes very valid points about not creating a divide between Deaf people and communities, and the democracy processes being upheld; and stresses the importance of respecting diverse customs, laws and values across different nations. We agree with these points, however we want to ensure that ALL Deaf people, whatever their identity is, can participate freely and as little or much as they want to.   

When we receive more information, we will update you. Thank you.

Visual description

Opening slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a blue and green gradient background. Text reads “Published 31 July 2023. Update from DA Board Member Kai Regarding WFD 2027 Congress Location.”

Video: Kai is wearing a black t-shirt, has short dark hair, and is standing against a grey background. He is signing with a clear and open manner towards the camera.

Closing slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

WFD Board Nominee Announcement – May 2023


Hi, I'm Jen, CEO of Deaf Australia. Deaf Australia is a member of the World Federation of the Deaf. WFD is an international organisation that advocates on a global level to the United Nations for issues that relate to the Deaf community, which also results in influencing other countries across the globe. They are our parent body, and we are a member.

In July, in South Korea the WFD is holding its next congress. It is held every four years in which people across the world get together to discuss different topics. Before the WFD Congress there is the the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section, WFDYS, where Deaf Australia’s very own staff member, Shirley Liu is the current board president. Her term on the board will be finishing up this July.

The Congress itself includes opportunities to attend presentations and networking events. I will be attending alongside Deaf Australia’s Board chairperson Debra Swann to represent Deaf Australia at the general meeting, where we will vote on various issues and vote on where the next conference will be held in four years’ time along with other things. Additionally, the Board farewells and welcomes new board members every 4 years at the congress. Some people may also continue serving on the WFD board.

I wanted to let you all know that on behalf of Deaf Australia, I have put forward a nominee for the WFD Board and that person is Shirley Liu. Deaf Australia called for an expression of interest across Australia for volunteers to put their hand up for the WFD board. Shirley was one of the applicants who had put herself forward, and that application then went through our board’s process and with that being successful, we have now put forward Shirley Liu as a nominee for the WFD Board.

We wish Shirley all the best in this endeavour and hope for her successful appointment in Korea. We will let you know the outcome once voting has occurred in July. I know that they will see what fantastic work she has done for the WFDYS and see what an asset she would be to the WFD board. It is a competitive process, fingers crossed. Thank you.

Visual description

Visual description opening slide:

Background is a blue and green gradient with white Deaf Australia logo at the top center. The main title is blue text in a white button that reads “WFD Board Nominee Announcement”. Below the button is small white text that reads “May 2023”.

Visual description video:

Jen is signing in this video a message to the viewer. She is wearing a grey cardigan and a black t-shirt with her sign name illustration on it. She is sitting on a beige couch with a light beige wall behind her. She has curly red hair, light skin, and wears clear-rimmed glasses. She is signing in a professional and happy manner.

Visual description closing slide:

Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

Deaf Australia Awards 2022

Deaf Australian of the Year

Elise Stewart

Founder of Deaf Hub Bendigo – reducing barriers and isolation amongst the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community members accessing support and information in the regional area. Including:

  • Social events
  • Workshops
  • Visiting clients
  • Creation of a space for Deaf people
  • Providing employment to Deaf people

She works both in volunteer and paid capacity. She has a passion to raise awareness of Deaf youth, elder people and parents of deaf kids.

Also supported all of the submissions to DRC in the region (400 hours worth of videos)

Deaf Youth of the Year

Sam Martin

Sam invested his passion about Deaf arts.

  • Always looks for strategies to share his achievements with the Deaf community
  • throughout Australia and in New York, which showed how Deaf people could be involved in the creation of a movie from start to end
  • Established PAH Stories, a theatre performance which allows Deaf queer people to share their stories

Community Volunteer of the Year

Margaret van Leeuwen
  • Volunteered for 45 years for the Ballarat Deaf Social Club Inc with different roles in the committee
  • She became life member in 1999 for BDSC
  • Margaret is a quiet, hardworking & devoted community minded person
  • Margaret likes being involved with Deaf Community, and feels a real sense of belonging,
  • Always ready to help with many social activities, Starlight Balls and special events
  • Always the first person to set up the hall for club’s activities , guest speakers and AGM meetings and the last person to leave the venue!
  • She also works full time and loves bushwalking .
  • E R Noble award recipient 2001/2002.

36th Annual General Meeting

Deaf Australia Inc will hold its thirty-sixth (36th) Annual General Meeting on Monday 19th September at 7.00 PM (AEST) online via zoom.

Important notice: The meeting must provide members with a reasonable opportunity to participate, as such, put questions to board members and vote online. To register in advance for the Annual General Meeting: Register email [email protected] After registering your interest, we will check your details against our membership database, and you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the AGM. Important note: Make sure your full name and email address correspond with our database. The AGM will be livestreamed on Facebook for non-members.

Public Announcement – 19 March 2021

Deaf Australia Chief Executive Kyle Miers Moves On

Kyle Miers, Chief Executive of Deaf Australia, has submitted his resignation to the Board of Deaf Australia. Kyle is leaving Deaf Australia to lead a new service. His last day at Deaf Australia is Friday 9 April 2021.

Kyle was appointed as Chief Executive of Deaf Australia in 2014. He previously served on Deaf Australia’s Board between 2002 and 2011, including as President between 2005 and 2010.

“The opportunity to serve and lead Deaf Australia during a dynamic time at the organisation has been a highlight of my career,’ said Mr Miers. “Because Deaf Australia is a true consumer organisation where deaf people represent deaf people, we have been able to effectively gain prominence and recognition of deaf people’s issues and our organisation to Australian governments, members of the deaf community and service providers.”

During his tenure with Deaf Australia, Kyle has advocated for and achieved the following:

  • Inclusion of ‘Auslan’ as a language prompt in the Census 2021. This prompt will encourage Auslan users to write Auslan as a language used at home and will provide us and the Australian government with accurate information on the population of Auslan users in Australia. 
  • Communicated with Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments on the importance of accessible television announcements for emergency and disaster broadcasts, which resulted in ongoing provision of interpreters on television during these announcements. 
  • Provided advice to Department of Social Services to effectively communicate with deaf people in the transitioning of the National Auslan Booking and Payment Services (NABS) into the NDIS. 
  • Worked with Western Australian and Victorian Governments to amend their Jury Acts to allow deaf people to serve as jurors, as a result of a successful campaign in the Australian Capital Territory. 
  • Worked with South Australian and New South Wales Governments in their reviews of education for deaf and hard of hearing children with a view to improved quality in education. 
  • Successfully lodged a proposal that the World Federation of the Deaf adopt our Sign Symbol as the International Symbol for Sign Language. 
  • Prepared an extensive ‘Community of Practice’ Report for the NDIS that covers all areas of supports and needs for deaf and hard of hearing people. 
  • Worked to ensure federal and state/territory elections would be accessible with the provision of interpreters at pre-polling booths. 

Kyle has provided strong leadership for the organisation and created common ground for collaboration between government agencies and the community, particularly during the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the COVID -19 pandemic.

“We have taken our responsibility for deaf people’s rights to have to access to information and accessible communication seriously, and much of our time has been focussed on how we can address and improve services to meet these needs,” Mr Miers said.

At the beginning of his tenure, Kyle was faced with a significant financial challenge when the Australian Government slashed recurrent funding for national information and advocacy services. This saw a reduction in staff and a threat to Deaf Australia’s sustainability.

With the support of the Board, Kyle has been able to diversify sources of funding and has implemented new organisational strategies. This saw Deaf Australia’s funding grow from a bare $27,500 per annum to $900,000 per annum for the next couple years.

“On behalf of the Deaf Australia Board, I have had the pleasure of working with Kyle during his tenure with Deaf Australia. He has been a champion advocate and an effective leader for the deaf community,” said Ms Debra Swann, Chairperson of Deaf Australia. “Kyle will leave a big hole in Deaf Australia; however, I believe that his legacy will carry on for years.”

Kyle migrated from the United States in 1995, having grown up in residential schools for the deaf where he was educated by teachers who all used American Sign Language (ASL).  He brought his experience and passion for deaf rights to the Australian Deaf Community.

He was a founding member of Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Australian Communication Consumers Action Network (ACCAN) and the World Federation of the Deaf – Oceania.

He also served on a number of national disability advisory groups: Australian Electoral Commission, Early Intervention and Childhood Development, Disability Employment, NDIS’s CEO Forum, Department of Social Services’ Disability Gateway, Australian Communication Consumers Action Network and others. On all of these, his purpose was to improve quality, support and services for deaf and hard of hearing people.

On behalf of Deaf Australia Board, we wish Kyle all the best in his future endeavours and we thank him for all his hard work for the Australian Deaf Community.

Download Public Announcement

Outlook Blog (December 2020 – January 2021)

Video translation of Deaf Australia Outlook (December 2020 – January 2021)

Members Blog

Happy belated New Year, we certainly hope you had a festive and safe holiday. We hope that 2021 will be an exciting year for all of us and we all stay safe and are keeping well.

Before Christmas, we were invited to participate in Deaf Community of Australia Forum (DCAF) with Shirley hosting the event and we were able to share with you the updates of what we have been doing.

Through Christmas, Deaf Australia has been preparing a submission to Department of Health to address accessible services for Deaf People who use Auslan in Hospital and Health Services and organising webinars for Disability Royal Commission and NDIS-ILC project.

  • Accessible Services for Deaf People who use Auslan in Hospitals and Health Services

There have been too many mistakes, too many bad stories, too many preventable situations that has not been adequately addressed to ensure that our health and wellbeing are looked after.

The submission outlined 4 key areas:

  • Hospitals
  • Medical and Allied Health Services
  • Telehealth Services and
  • National Relay Service

This submission has been sent to Department of Health through our role with Covid-19 Disability Roundtable hosted by Department of Health. Through this group, Deaf Australia have reminded them the importance that deaf people need to have access to interpreter when there are media announcements regarding Covid-19 and accessing interpreter for health and medical services which led to this paper.

Deaf Australia acknowledge that Deaf Victoria is undertaking parallel project in Victoria asking deaf people their experiences with Hospitals. We look forward receiving their report.

To view written submission (

  • Disability Royal Commission

We are thrilled to inform you that there will be webinars throughout the year covering different topics with the Disability Royal Commission. Darlene Thornton will be facilitating these webinars on a fortnight basis and would love to hear your stories and experiences so Deaf Australia can prepare our report to Disability Royal Commission.

We also encourage you to participate if you wish to directly share your experience to Disability Royal Commission and we will be able to assist you with your submissions.

To view webinar program (

  • NDIS – Information, Linkage and Capacity (ILC) Building Grant (2019-2022)

We are ramping up with the project with Paula Thornton and Vanessa Alford taking key role with this project as Resource Officers.

Before Christmas, we had a full day workshop to discuss ideas, plans and strategy to improve our engagement with you.

This project will focus on 2 things:

  1. Improve information distribution and
  2. Developing appropriate and accessible resources that will strengthen deaf community’s knowledge and skills.

We will be using staff, volunteers and others to provide information, workshops or training through online and in person.

Deaf Australia is working hard behind the scenes to prepare and develop the program for this year. We look forward to an informative year for everyone. If you have any suggestions, please share with us by sending us an email – [email protected].

  • Other information:

National Relay Service – registration required by 20 April 2020 – if you on or after 20 April, your application process may take longer. Please register here.

4th WFD Conference in Thailand has been postponed to 20-22 April 2022 due to Covid-19.

NDIS App Trial

The App makes it easier to claim and managing your budget. The trial App will allow NDIS to help them improve the App before it is released to the public. 

You need to be: 

  1. Self-manage your plan, 
  2. Use smart phone regularly, and
  3. Currently making claims on NDIA ‘myplace’ portal. 

If you are interested to test/ trial the App, please send email to NDIA at [email protected] with email subject as ‘Deaf Australia Mobile App Invitation’. NDIA will ask you a few questions before providing you a link to download the App. 

Copy paste this script in your email to NDIA. 


Subject:  Deaf Australia Mobile App Invitation

Good (morning / afternoon) 

I am responding to a social media post from Kyle Miers, Chief Executive of Deaf Australia, regarding trialling the NDIA App. 

I am interested in trialling the NDIA App, please email me with further instruction. 

With regards

(your name)

Good luck.

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