Category: National Auslan Conference

Keynote Speakers Announced — National Auslan Conference 2016


The NAC2016 Organising Committee is pleased to announce two international Keynote Speakers for the National Auslan Conference 2016.

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Dr Jules Dickinson

Jules-Dickinson-optJules is a practitioner-researcher, BSL/English interpreter and Professional Supervisor. Her PhD, ‘Interpreting in a Community of Practice: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Signed Language Interpreter’s Role in Workplace Discourse’, looks at the role of the interpreter in workplace settings, and explores the ways in which interpreters affect the dynamics between Deaf and hearing employees. She is particularly interested in how Deaf professionals and interpreters can work together.
With this is mind she is keen to see a collaborative approach to interpreting in workplace settings, actively involving and engaging both Deaf and hearing employees in the interpreting process.
Jules’ research draws heavily on the experience of interpreters funded by the “Access to Work” program in the UK, but parallels can be drawn with the EAF and NDIS in Australia.[spacer height=”20px”]

Mr Shane Feldman

shane-feldman-optShane is Director of Strategic Partnerships and Development at the Communication Service for the Deaf, an organization committed to creating innovative technology and services that aim to transform the Deaf community’s experience with their access to communication.  He served as the Executive Director of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and Chief Operating Officer at the National Association of the Deaf, organisation that represent the interpreter and Deaf communities in the United States.
His role as an advocate on behalf of the Deaf and Interpreter communities provided him with a unique insight into the systemic challenges that prevent a strong partnership among stakeholders in the interpreter experience.
Shane will illustrate a vision of the future where ingenious laws, technology, and services transcend the status quo. These changes will position a Deaf person to develop meaningful and rich relationships with the people and organizations in their lives. He will describe how we can make the choices that bring us together to shape the future that we want to build.
Shane believes that Australia has a unique opportunity to make incredible advances in Deaf Australian human rights where our country can become a model for other countries around the world to emulate in their quest to uphold their commitment to their Deaf citizens.
Please welcome Jules and Shane to the National Auslan Conference 2016.
[content_box style=”green-2″ title=”A gentle reminder”] Early bird registration closes on 30 April 2016. $500.00 for non-members and $450.00 for members (of Deaf Australia or ASLIA). After 30 April, the registration will be the Standard fee – $550 for non-members and $500 for members. Click here to register now!
Call for Papers has been extended to close on 6 MAY 2016. Click here for more information.
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