SGM: Update information from our Chairperson
Hello members of Deaf Australia.
My name is Debra Swann, I am the Chairperson of Deaf Australia.
I need to share some information with you all at short notice, regarding the upcoming Special General Meeting (SGM) which is being held on 4th February.
We have received feedback from a number of our members regarding the constitution.
Due to this, we have made the decision to place a hold on the constitution voting and defer this until our Annual General Meeting (AGM) later this year.
We will conduct various community consultations prior to the AGM to make sure the voting will proceed.
However, the SGM will still go ahead as planned to proceed with the adoption of the financial report, and the appointment of the Directors for the Deaf Australia Board so we can move forward at full capacity.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our SGM on 4th February at 2pm Melbourne time.
Goodbye for now.