Category: Updates

Announcement: Save the AGM 2024


Hello, I'm Debra Swann, Chair of Deaf Australia.

This video is to announce ... SAVE THE DATE!. Deaf Australia will be having its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.  It'll start at 7.30pm in Victoria and NSW; 7pm in South Australia; 6.30pm Queensland; 4.30pm in Western Australia.

Please put the date in your calendar. More information will be coming soon. 

Interim CEO Update (17 October 2024)


Hello, I’m *gives name sign* Shirley. My role here is that of a temporary CEO here at Deaf Australia. I wanted to create a quick video to share with you all, the deaf community, to thank you, members and the deaf community, for your support over the last few months and your patience too, knowing that Deaf Australia is experiencing a challenging period with the reduction in staffing and funding cuts (as previously reported). Thank you for your patience while we try to keep going. Now that I’m back, meaning that I will make sure that Deaf Australia continues to function and continue with our work in systemic advocacy.
We are aware of changes to the NDIS and with the paucity of information released. There were also gaps in information released about the response to the recommendations in the Disability Royal Commission reports, as well as the Disability Strategy Plan. While we are much reduced in staffing, we are determined to continue to release information so keep an eye out for that. Also, make sure you watch our postings about upcoming events; we will also have alternative opportunities to join Deaf Australia. I am excited about collaborating with you all again. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns relating to systemic advocacy, regardless of whether it’s national or state based. We will work to support however we can. I’m looking forward to sharing more information soon; keep watch on us! Thank you and bye!
VD: Shirley has black hair tied up and she is wearing a maroon cable jumper. She is standing in front of a creamy background and is communicating the above in Auslan.

DA Awards 2024 – Nomination Opens Now


Hello. I’m Debra Swann, Chair of Deaf Australia

This is an announcement for nominations for 2024 Deaf Australian and Deaf Youth of the Year Awards which is now now open!

You can nominate a person who:

  • Works tirelessly
  • Passionate
  • Actively engages with the community
  • and supports the Deaf community.

The person can be either  volunteer or employed. What’s important is that we nominate someone who is genuinely involved, passionate and supportive. 

For more information including criteria is available on our website. 

A range of achievements we can look at as well:

  • Wonderful advocate for the Deaf community.
  • Supports effective language development.
  • Involved with events, creating social opportunities.
  • Introduces new technology to make access easier.
  • Development of program to enhance the skills of Deaf people.

There are examples to help you to think of someone to nominate.

Remember, there are two categories open for nominations!

  1. Deaf Australian of the Year
  2. Deaf Youth of the Year

Nominations close on 11th November 2024. Once when nominations have been received,  we have received the nomination, the panel will assess them. Winners will be announced at our AGM on 3rd December 2024.

Get your nominations in!

CJA Lecture 2024 Announcement


Hello everyone!

I'm Debra Swann, Chair of Deaf Australia. 

First, I'd like to apologise for the error in my last video, where I incorrectly stated the date. My apologies. 

We'd like to announce that this year's Colin Allen AM Lecture will be on Thursday 31st October 2024 at 7pm Melbourne time.

Who is this year's presenter?

Ashton Jean-Pierre will be presenting on his topic on this night.

More information including topic will come soon.

Save this date and keep your eye out for tickets!

Thank you!

Jen Blyth’s Update – 30 July 2024


Hello, I’m Jen Blyth, CEO of Deaf Australia. I wanted to provide with you an update.

I’ve worked at Deaf Australia for the past 3 years. It has truly been an amazing experience to work with the Australian Deaf community across the country. This includes the Deaf, Deafblind, Hard of Hearing and Deaf and Disabled communities all over Australia. Building relationships with you all, including the First Nations Mob in Far North Queensland, with young Deaf people, the older Deaf community and everyone in between across the country. Also the many collaborations with various organisations, businesses, small businesses and a range of people and groups over the last 3 years.

In that time, we have achieved many things, including being a witness at the Disability Royal Commission, the Deaf Census, which is now available, E-learning training packages, multiple policies and submissions made, and partnering with organisations such as Deaf Connect for the Parliament Breakfast. There have been many achievements in the last 3 years, a long list, and that was all possible because of the wonderful team I’ve had with me here at Deaf Australia. I couldn’t have done my job without them. They are incredible. Also, Thank you to the Deaf community of Australia.  Your feedback, both positive and negative has helped guide me and Deaf Australia to achieve many things. So thank you so much.

So earlier this year, in January I was presented with an opportunity to go overseas to the Solomon Islands to work with another Disability organisation there, and with the Solomon Island Deaf Community. I consulted with the Board, as I have the skills and experience that I can contribute as well as the desire to share with our Pacific neighbours.  As the Solomon Islands are part of the WFD Oceania region. The Board approved my request, and I went to the Solomon Islands. I was away from February until June. I returned to Melbourne where the Board and I agreed that it was time to go our separate ways.

The Board will be looking ahead at things they can look to achieve with a new CEO. And I am going to follow my own path and do my own thing. I’m still around, I still welcome you all to contact me at any time. Also, you can still contact Deaf Australia too. As you know from the recent update, the team at Deaf Australia has reduced in size. For now, please understand that Deaf Australia and the board will be considering its future plans and how it will continue to achieve its outcomes for Deaf Community going forward.

I’m not going anywhere, I’m still living here in Melbourne, please reach out to me anytime.

Thank you and Goodbye.

Special General Meeting Notice

Letter from Chairperson

Dear Members,

We are writing to inform you of a Special General Meeting that has been called by the Board of Deaf Australia. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on several important matters that will shape the future of our organisation.

Date: Thursday, 15th August
Time: 7:00 PM AEST
Location: Zoom


1.   Vote on a special resolution to update the constitution of Deaf Australia
2.   Consider a name change for the organization
3.   Amendment to the 37th Annual General Meeting
4.   Appointment of Prolegis Lawyers to oversee the process of applying on behalf of Deaf Australia

Please see the attached letter for detailed information regarding the Special General Meeting and the proposed updates to the constitution.

Your participation and input are crucial to the decision-making process, and we encourage all members to attend this meeting. Please mark your calendars and make every effort to register and join us on the specified date and time.

You can register and join the meeting by Zoom by using this link.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Deaf Australia.

Debra Swann
Deaf Australia

Thank You From Shirley


Hello! I’m Shirley, the Acting CEO.

I wanted to provide you with this video because today is the 28th of June. It’s a big day for us because most of our staff are busy wrapping up their projects as their roles are ending today. It’s not everyone, a couple of people are continuing at DA.

Overall, we wanted to say a big thank you to you all. All the staff agree that we want to recognise you all, either as individuals, deaf organisations and businesses, our partners and allies. All of this has been a massive support to us and our work for the past few years. It’s been incredibly valuable. Thank you.

Also I, myself, really appreciate those of you who took the time to check in with our staff after they saw the news about the impact on funding, which was unfortunate and sad. To make sure they felt supported through a restructure of their future plans. Really big thanks to those who recognise that we we are also a part of the deaf community and provide support to each other during a hard time or life’s ups and downs. We really appreciate that.

Yes, Jen our CEO, will be back to work starting next week. But as the board announced recently her role will be reduced to part time. Also, we still have a few advocacy initiatives ongoing ensure a fair and equitable access for the deaf community. Keep an eye on our social media to follow and continue supporting our work. We are really excited to show some opportunities coming up soon. Yes, this group of staff was fantastic to have as support through difficult time and we know they will have our deaf community support moving forward and stay connected. Thanks to you all and thanks to the board for their support through this difficult time as well. Have a good weekend! Bye.

Visual description

Shirley is wearing a black shirt and standing in front of a plain beige wall. Her hair is pulled back into a bun. She is signing in a professional, friendly, and slightly bittersweet way that is appropriate to the tone of the content.

Strategic Planning Update from Board – Filmed 9 June 2024

Transcript and visual descriptions


Visual description: A woman with dark coloured shoulder length hair, in a blue three-quarter sleeve blouse, with a tattoo on her right hand, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

Deaf Australia has had a productive two days. On Friday we had the Board and staff come together to reflect and celebrate our achievements, and look ahead to the future of Deaf Australia. On Saturday the Board gathered to talk through the vision, goals and purpose of Deaf Australia. Here are some thoughts from Board members about our strategic planning weekend.


Visual description: A person with short dark coloured hair, wearing circle shaped glasses, in a green t-shirt with a printed image of their sign name, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

The last two days have been exciting. Plenty of seeds that will be spread throughout our community and as a result we will see individuals in our community thrive.


Visual description: A woman with short curly light-black coloured hair, wearing rectangle shaped glasses, in a navy woollen jumper, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

Over the weekend what stood out for me was the growth of Deaf Australia from just advocacy into other initiatives. Incredible.


Visual description: A woman with long curly light coloured hair, wearing circle shaped glasses, in a black top, with large yellow and red shaped earings, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

Over the two days what I witnessed was the different changes being made. I am so excited to see Deaf Australia and the deaf community working together, for future success and growth. I am so excited.


Visual description: A woman with dark coloured hair tied behind her head, wearing rectangle shaped glasses, in a dark coloured t-shirt, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

Our strategic planning session was full of detailed conversation where we developed new goals within three areas. Are you wanting to know more details? Well, we will be sharing more information with you all soon. 


Visual description: A woman with dark coloured shoulder length hair, in a blue three-quarter sleeve blouse, with a tattoo on her right hand, is standing against a light charcoal coloured wall, facing the camera, communicating in Auslan.

What an amazing weekend. The Deaf Australia Board now will be working hard to prepare and present, with feedback from you the deaf community, a plan that meets the needs of our community.

After 1 July Board Update


Hello. Deaf Australia’s Board would like to give you an update about the changes happening from the 1st of July 2024.

You may be aware from Shirley’s recent update, that Deaf Australia’s funding has been reduced. This means that Deaf Australia’s workforce and operations will be significantly impacted.

Shirley will be finishing on the 28th of June, and Jen will be returning to work part-time on the 1st week of July. This means our capacity will be limited.

The board will look for new options forward by reviewing the funding and exploring additional income streams to keep Deaf Australia operating.

On Behalf of the board, I want to thank Shirley and the staff for all the wonderful hard work they have done at Deaf Australia. Thank you.

Visual description

Debra is wearing a long-sleeve grey shirt and standing in front of a plain grey background. She is signing towards the camera in a professional manner.

eLearning Website Release Announcement


Exciting news! Deaf Australia have an exciting opportunity for you all to win a gift card after completing a survey! We have just released a new eLearning website available online that includes the following topics: Advocacy, Convention on the Rights of People with Disability (CRPD), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Writing an Advocacy Letter in English, and Disability Law.

Complete one course of your choosing and the feedback survey for a chance to win $100 gift voucher! Only the first 10 people to complete a module and survey will receive the gift voucher prize so get in fast for your opportunity to win!

These courses are in Auslan and have optional English captions and voiceover. We have a Deafblind version of the videos, as well. You will see that some course contents are supposed to have quiz, but we experience some technical difficulties and will release the quizzes soon.

Good luck!

Visual description

Raquel is wearing a black shirt and standing against a white wall background with white doors. She signing in an excited manner to match the content of the video.

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