Hello, I’m Jen Blyth, CE of Deaf Australia. I have a brief update for you all.
We had our AGM recently and we also have our annual report which is now available for you to access on our website.
We also have a new makeup of the board;
- Debra Swann
- Adrian Doyle
- Irene Holub
- Debbie Kennewell and
- Ivan Callaghan.
I congratulate them all for joining us.
We also announced the winners of the Dot Show Young Writers Competition. You’ll see who they are in the TTT newsletter. I congratulate all those who submitted stories to us and also to those who won first and second places.
I want to let you know that we’ll soon have a CEO Q & A session, to be held online on zoom and Facebook. People can ask us all sorts of questions they may have. The aim of this session is to ask any and all sorts of questions you may have. We might have some questions of our own to ask. You might have questions about Deaf Australia, about the CEO, the staff or questions about something you want Deaf Australia to provide; you can ask at the session. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss with you all.
Thank you. Have a good week.