Media Release

COVID19 Issues – Disability Royal Commission


Hello, I’m Darlene. The last few days I’ve noticed a lot of posts on Facebook about quarantines, lockdowns, news with interpreters’ accessibility, and more. Especially one post from Sally recently about her experiences during quarantine with the phone calls from Queensland Health. From my observation, it would be good if we all could share more of our experiences with each other as it is getting seriously affecting all of us in Australia.

I work for Deaf Australia as DRC advocacy officer, which means I work between DRC and Deaf Community, and encouraging deaf people to share their experiences with Disability Royal Commission (DRC) so they could investigate how the Deaf Community is being affected by all this, including barriers, lack of listening or observing, discriminations, and more.

This is a good opportunity for us to send our experiences with this time during COVID19, including lockdowns, quarantines, and vaccines, etc. So, I am encouraging you all to do that now, and contact me for assistance at ‘[email protected]’. Or just do it yourself by filming with your phone camera and send it straight to DRC. Your report (either signing or writing) does not have to be perfect, in right order or even using right content.

When you’re ready, just go to DRC’s website (, find ‘Share your Story’ or ‘Make your submission’. There’s an online form you’d need to fill in with your details (name, contacts, etc) and in the form there’s a part where you can attach a file. Just as simple as that. You could share your story and complain on Facebook, however sending your experiences to DRC will be more effective in long term.

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