ArchivesDeaf Australia Activities

Deaf Australia Activities — August 2014

Greetings from Chief Executive’s Desk.

In the last few months, we have been working hard to ensure that Deaf Australia is sustainable, to ensure that your views are appropriately represented. You may be aware that the government has changed the way that peak organisations are funded. Our current funding will cease at the end of December 2014 after so many years of the peak-funded program.
Deaf Australia has put in several funding applications seeking for funding for program initiatives and projects. These funding programs look favourably on organisations being part of a consortium as well as national peak organisations. We will know the outcomes of these submissions later this year.
The head office of Deaf Australia is currently based in Queensland and will continue to be based there until further notice.
Some of the activities we have done in the last few months are:

  • Launched our brand new website
  • Redirecting internet users from the old website to the new website
  • Improved communication distribution; linking Blog, FaceBook and Twitter
  • Conducted Members and Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
  • Undertook consultations on NAPLAN, Disability Employment Services and National Disability Strategy
  • Sent out several media releases
  • Submitted and published an article on Emergency Announcement and use of interpreters
  • Reviewed Deaf Australia’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020.

Membership Renewal:

Deaf Australia has developed a new way for you to renew your membership or become a new member. This system will ensure your information is up to date and current allowing state organisations to view their members quickly. If you have not renewed your membership for 2014-15, it is a good time for you to renew your membership now. Renew your membership here.

National Week of Deaf People (NWPD):

NWPD will take place between 18 and 24 October and the theme is Strengthening Human Diversity. Please check out to find out how you can participate or register the events for NWPD.


We will be announcing Deaf Australian of the Year, Deaf Youth Australian of the Year and Fair – Go Awards during the week. Please take this opportunity to nominate deaf adult, deaf youth and organisations worthy of recognition. Please nominate from this website:

AGM/ Special General Meeting:

Deaf Australia will be having our 28th Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting on Saturday 22 November 2014 in Perth.

Constitution Review:

The board believes that the constitution needs reviewing so that Deaf Australia are meeting the current needs and views of deaf people. There are three areas we will be covering:

  • Membership fees and structure
  • Inclusion of ‘hard of hearing’
  • Board and governance.

Members will be asked to complete a survey through survey monkey ( The closing date for feedback is 12 September 2014.
Members will have opportunity to comment on the draft Amendments (due 26 September 2014) before the final Amendments on 17 October 2014. A Special General Meeting will be held on 22 November.
It is important that you have your say in the review.

Deaf Youth Australia:

Deaf Australia is very pleased to announce that Deaf Youth Australia (DYA) is formally a part of Deaf Australia. DYA is applying to the World Federation of the Deaf – Youth Sector to be an official Deaf Youth designate of Australia as a Youth Ordinary Member. This will enable DYA to represent Australian Deaf Youth at the international level.

Dot Shaw Writing Competition:

Deaf Australia will be calling deaf children and youth to submit their writings as part of Dot Shaw Writing Competition. Winners will be announced at the Annual General Meeting. To register and submit writing competition, please check

World Federation of the Deaf:

Turkish National Federation of the Deaf is hosting the XVII World Congress in Istanbul Turkey from 28 July – 2 August 2015. The organising committee is calling for abstract submissions. Closing date for submissions is on 30 September 2014.
Early bird registration due is on 15 February 2015. Regular registration is due 15 May 2015. Late registration is after 15 May 2014.
For more details about the XVII World Congress, please go to this website:

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse:

Deaf Australia has last year negotiated with the Commission to create accessible forum for deaf people to respond to child sexual abuse. Deaf Society of NSW has organised information session to enable deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing and their families as well as organisations all over Australia to understand its very important work. This information session was filmed: please check this link.
If you wish to contact the Commission to share your story, you will be able to do so in privacy by phoning them at 1800 099 340 or email at [email protected]. Please ask for an interpreter.
Deaf Australia is going through interesting and challenging times ahead this year. It is important that your views are represented to ensure that deaf people are not left behind.

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