ArchivesDeaf Australia News

Disability Employment Service Consultations

The Government has asked Deaf Australia to do a project, including community consultations, about Disability Employment Service (DES) providers.

Deaf Australia is gathering information about Deaf people’s experience with DES providers. We would like to meet Deaf people in your area and receive your feedback about your experience with Disability Employment Services.
This project started with the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), but DES has now been moved to the Department of Human Services (DHS) under the new Abbott Government.
Deaf Australia will be going all over Australia (cities and some regions) to run consultations and find out more about the good and bad experiences Deaf people have had.
The Government needs to know this information so that they can use it to make improvements to the DES program.
Look out for the workshop dates on the Deaf Australia website/facebook in the coming few months. We will be running a workshop in Canberra on 14 November 2013 and one in Tasmania in December. This project will continue for 9 months till June 2014.
We look forward to see you at the workshops!
For more information email: [mailto][email protected][/mailto]

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