You can make an impact

Donations will greatly support Deaf Australia in continuing to provide a strong representation for Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing people regarding accessible communications and supports.

For Deaf people, Auslan (Australian Sign Language) plays an important part in every step of the person’s life, from birth through to school, through work and community, and through family and more. A strong foundation in Auslan removes obstacles at each and every step. 

Deaf Australia does this by raising awareness of and about Auslan through working with various providers to improve access to Auslan, for example: by ensuring the Auslan interpreter is shown throughout emergency and community announcements on television broadcasts; working with governments to ensure their websites are Auslan accessible.

Much of our work is done behind the scenes to break the barriers so as to allow Deaf people to participate in the community, education, employment and everyday activities as equally as any other.

The funding for our critical work has significantly diminished and we now rely on your support to help us to make the difference for Deaf people, their families and the community. 

That is why Deaf Australia is asking for your generous support by donating to us so we can continue our work towards a diverse and inclusive Australia for every citizen through education, research and collaboration in removing the barriers and enriching the diversity of Australia – with Auslan.

All donations will greatly assist Deaf Australia.

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