Hello! I’m Catherine [gives name sign] and I work at Deaf Australia as a policy officer. I want to let you know that we at Deaf Australia are aware of the numerous DRC reports that was released on 29th September. Deaf Australia is collaborating with Deaf Victoria, Deaf Connect and Deaf Bendigo Hub in making a decision as to where we go next from here. The DRC reports has 222 recommendations that tells the government what they must do to improve the lives of people with disabilities and deaf people too. We will give you updates as time goes on as we need to read through the reports carefully. Bye!
Visual descriptions
Opening slide: Graphic features purple background with white text. White Deaf Australia logo in the upper center. Royal Disability Commission logo centered beneath that. Title reads "Update regarding recent DRC recommendations. Published: 20th October 2023"
Video: Catherine a white woman with short brown hair. She is wearing a black shirt and sitting against a beige wall. She signing in a professional manner towards the camera and smiles throughout her message.
Closing slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”