
NDIS Deaf Community Consultation

The next step in making the NDIS a reality is here.

The Government has released a set of draft rules for the NDIS and would like feedback from the Deaf community.

The rules set out how the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) will work with people with disability, their families and carers, and how supports will be identified and delivered.
[divider style=”hr-dotted”] They cover:

  • becoming a participant
  • the protection and disclosure of information
  • support for participants
  • children
  • nominees
  • registered providers
  • plan management

Deaf Australia is running a series of community forums so that Deaf people can have their say about these rules. It is important that Deaf people understand and comment on the rules, so that they can make choices and be in control of the decisions that affect their lives.
You should come to a forum and participate; make sure the Government hears your opinion!
Light refreshments will be provided.
You can also see the rules the site and have your say on the Your Say forum there.[divider style=”hr-dotted”]

Adelaide Forum

Date: Saturday 16 March 2013
Venue: Adelaide Deaf Centre, 262 South Terrace, Adelaide (to be confirmed)[divider style=”hr-dotted”]

Brisbane Forum

Date: Saturday 16 March 2013
Time: 1-3pm
Venue: Deaf Australia Office, 271a Stafford Road, Stafford[divider style=”hr-dotted”]

Sydney Forum

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Melbourne Forum

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Tasmania Forum

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Perth Forum

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