Call for Expressions of Interest
Independent individual representatives on a new Early Intervention and Education Working Group
Deaf Australia is setting up a new Early Intervention and Education Working Group.
The purpose of the Working Group is to bring together like-minded organisations and community members to work co-operatively to:
- Undertake activities to promote improved early intervention and education in line with the strategic plan set out in the 2012 summit report;
- Work as a unified front to identify, prioritise and address early intervention and school education issues; and
- Keep abreast of research and identify best practice for early intervention and school education for deaf and hard of hearing children.
For practical reasons, the Working Group will be based in Sydney.
The first meeting of the Working Group will be on Thursday 6 March 2014, 5.30 – 7.30pm at the Deaf Society of NSW, Parramatta.
The Working Group is an initiative of Deaf Australia, which will provide secretariat support and will appoint the Convenor of the Working Group. The Convenor will be Ms Leonie Jackson.
The following organisations and community groups have been invited to send a representative to the Working Group:
- Deaf Australia (in addition to the Convenor)
- Deaf Australia (NSW)
- First Voice Group
- Parents of Deaf Children (NSW)
- Aussie Deaf Kids
- Deaf Children Australia
- Teachers of the Deaf Leaders Group
The Working Group will also have two (2) individual independent community representatives (Sydney based, one deaf person and one parent of a deaf child).
In the context of the Working Group, ‘independent’ means that you are not already a member of the board or committee or staff of any of the eight organisations/groups listed above.
If you are interested to be an individual independent community representative, please send us a brief Expression of Interest statement (in either English or Auslan) outlining:
- Why you want to be involved with the Working Group;
- What knowledge, experience and benefits you would bring to the Working Group; and
- Your ability to commit to attend meetings and undertake activities / tasks for the Working Group.
Please send your Expression of Interest to [mailto][email protected][/mailto] by 4 March 2014.