Roadmap to 2025: Getting it Right
Watch the introduction
Watch the beliefs and values
‘Getting it Right’ is the title given to the national strategy for Deaf Australia over the next 5 years that will focus on four key priorities:
1. Auslan and Indigenous Sign Languages – their recognition and promotion,
2. Strengthening the Voice of Deaf Australians,
3. Enhancing providers’ capacity to service the deaf communities, and
4. Increasing the capacity of the organisation to achieve these priorities.
Deaf Australia’s new strategic plan is aimed at promoting rights and equality for Deaf people through influencing governments to implement the United Nations Conventions and the National Disability Strategy.
The aims of ‘Getting it Right’ are:
- for deaf people to be able to enjoy being fully engaged citizens of Australia without prejudice, discrimination or restriction; and
- ensuring that every deaf individual has the right to express, learn, contribute and to participate at every opportunity.
Each priority in the strategy outlines objectives which Deaf Australia will work towards in tangible action through collaboration with members of the deaf communities, parents of deaf children, service providers, organisations and government and non-government agencies
The ultimate goal is the realisation of Deaf Australia’s Vision: Deaf people as fully engaged citizens.
To achieve this vision, it has become Deaf Australia’s mission to: Work towards realisation of deaf person’s linguistic and human rights in partnership with Australian Governments, national organisations, providers and relevant stakeholders.