Our Vision
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Deaf and hard of hearing peoples are fully engaged citizens and able to participate in their communities with Auslan and other Australian Sign Languages legally recognised and respected as their language of preference.
Our Mission
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Deaf Australia aspires to have Auslan as a respected and legally recognised language in partnership with governments, organisations and relevant stakeholders so that all Deaf and hard-of-hearing peoples can achieve participation in their communities as fully engaged citizens.
Our Values
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Our values guide us in how we approach our work; we have a human rights-based approach in that all Deaf and hard of hearing peoples have the right to participate fully in society. We have respect for the linguistic diversity of Australian sign languages, including Indigenous Sign Languages. We support high quality bilingual education for all Deaf children and we advocate for all information and services to be accessible in Auslan. We are committed to strengthening the leadership of Deaf people, that is, nothing about us without us. We have a commitment to developing effective engagement with members, stakeholders, government agencies, donors and universities to achieve our objectives.