Deaf Australia NewsUpdates

Part Time Job Opportunity


Hello! I am Shirley Liu, Acting CEO at Deaf Australia.

We are excited to share a work opportunity with you – this will be only fixed term – 3 months (late March until late June).

Due to internal staff changes, we can offer this temporary position.

We are looking for a deaf person who is available as soon as possible, can meet our criteria, and fit into our organisation, Deaf Australia’s vision and purpose.

The title of the job is Project Assistant. Part-time means 3 days – 21 hours.

What responsibilities are involved in this role?

  • Have translation skills (Auslan to English, vice versa)
  • Manage some general email and administrative tasks, coordination, and logistics
  • Collaborate and support the team to ensure the timely production and logistics of Deaf Australia projects
  • Create a review & final outcome report after resources and projects are released
  • Consult with our deaf community members
  • Research and identify trending topics related to advocacy and community issues
  • And other general tasks

If you are interested, please send your Expression of Interest (EOI) and motivation statement to me at [email protected]. The EOI will be closed by 15 March 2024. Any questions, please contact me; I am happy to provide any further information.

Visual description

Shirley is standing against a beige background and is wearing a black t-shirt.

Interested? Send your EOI and Motivation Statement to
Shirley at [email protected]

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