
Roses in the Ocean National Co-Design

Message from Jen about the opportunity to consult with Roses in the Ocean on Deaf mental health 🌹

Trigger warning: this post mentions mental health and suicide prevention.

The Department of Health and Aged Care have teamed up with Roses in the Ocean to deliver a universal co-design and address the mental health and suicide prevention needs across the nation. Deaf Australia has been consulting with the Department to ensure the Deaf community’s needs are met in this process, as well.

At this time, they are seeking EOI’s from the community from people with lived experience of suicide. More detail about the co-design and how to register is available on the Roses in the Ocean website here.

If you need immediate support or are struggling with your mental health you can reach out to the following organisations:
Lifeline: www.lifeline.org.au Text 13 11 14
Beyond blue: www.beyondblue.org.au Online chat via their website
Mensline: www.mensline.org.au Online chat via their website
Standby: www.standbysupport.com.au SMS 0428 842 041 6am – 10pm, 7 days per week

Take care of yourselves.


Hello, I’m Jen. I just want to let you know before I continue: this video comes with a trigger warning. It might have traumatic or sensitive information. I will be talking about mental health and suicide prevention. If you feel uncomfortable, please stop watching now.

There is an opportunity from a business/organisation called “Roses in the Ocean.” They have set up a consultation with anyone in Australia that has past experience with suicide. It could be their family, loved one or themselves that have attempted suicide or experienced a bad mental health period.

They want to consult with you all (those with a past experience of suicide) to collect feedback to develop a national strategy to improve mental health and prevent and further minimise suicide. They want specifically to welcome Deaf people who have this past experience of suicide so they know how to better improve mental health and match our needs, as well. There is more information on how to join in the caption of the video.

Visual Description

Opening slide is a graphic is of dark brown text on an ivory background. Upper center has a Deaf Australia logo and “Chief Executive’s Update”. Text reads: “Deaf Mental Health: Video from Jen about EOI for co-design process”. Lower center has Roses in the Ocean and Australian Department of Health and Ages Care logos.

Video is of Jen signing the message below. Her manner is somber to match the serious nature of the content. She has curly red hair and is wearing glasses and a black t-shirt. She is outside standing against a brick wall.

Closing slide is a graphic of white text on a gradient blue and green background. Deaf Australia logo is at the top. Text reads: “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-led advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, hard-of-hearing people and other who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact Us: [email icon] [email protected] [website icon] www.deafaustralia.org.au [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia [Facebook icon] @DeafAustraliaInc”.

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