Disability Royal CommissionUpdates

Royal Commission publishes over 1,500 narratives of people with disability

Media Release 11 September 2023

Royal Commission publishes over 1,500 narratives of people with disability

Today the Royal Commission published 1,586 narratives on its website. The narratives are deidentified experiences of people with disability, their families and supporters and are based on experiences shared in private sessions and submissions to the Royal Commission between 2019 to 2022.

Private sessions and submissions guaranteed the experiences of people with disability, their families and supporters remained central to the work of the Royal Commission. [DA Note: You can find Deaf narratives by filtering by CALD on the left side of the screen. Not all CALD narratives are about Deaf people.]

These experiences assisted the Royal Commission to better understand the nature and extent of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.

The following are two examples of narratives published today.

Khari: “Being black in this state [WA] was hard, but being black and in a wheelchair was a nightmare because absolutely no-one sees you.”

Len: “As someone with a learning disability, I’m not stupid. I’m quite intelligent, and I work outside the box … I actually consider my learning disability a gift.”

The narratives can be accessed at disability.royalcommission.gov.au.

Please direct all inquiries to the Disability Royal Commission media team on 0436 841 166 or via our email [email protected].


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