Hello. I’m Jen from Deaf Australia. I wanted to let you know that I will be in Adelaide for the community consultation regarding our constitution. There will be an opportunity for you to give your feedback about Deaf Australia including questions or clarifications. There is more information on the flyer at the end of the video. Thanks, bye.
Visual Description
Opening slide features white Deaf Australia logo on a blue and green gradient background. Text reads “SA Deaf Community: SA Consultation with Jen Blyth. We will be discussing proposed changes to Deaf Australia’s structure and constitution. Friday 5 May, 5pm. Deaf Connect Office: 200 South Rd, Mile End SA 5031. Email [email protected] to secure your spot.”
Video is of Jen who is wearing a black t-shirt and has curly red hair. She is signing a professionally friendly manner.
Closing slide features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”
SA Session: Friday 5 May, 5pm
Deaf Connect office
200 South Rd, Mile End SA 5031