Deaf Australia NewsUpdates

Shirley Acting CEO Update


Hello! My name is Shirley. My role is Community and Youth Adovcate. I know it’s been awhile since we’ve had a CEO update. Our CEO, Jen Blyth, is currently away on holidays enjoying her break. Now, I will summarise a few important messages that the Deaf community should know about.

We are very excited and have been working hard to prepare the Dot Shaw Young Writers Competition. It’s already launched and live! We are so excited for schools, Deaf Children and Deaf students to be able to get involved in the competition. It’s a really fantastic competition and we are so excited to see lots of beautiful different ideas come in. You can see more information on our website. Have a look there, you can see the theme. Plus the prizes and our sponsor, which will be announced soon.

Also, we want to acknowledge the community members who are little bit concerned and excited about the referendum that the Australian government announced will be on 14 October. Deaf Australia has had many discussions and there are people who are unsure about what voting yes or no means, how yes or no will impact us, and what is the information. It’s not very clear. They also want to know where they can go and how they can access that information. We at Deaf Australia have been working diligently to be able to provide balanced non-biased factual information, to make sure the Deaf community can make an informed decision before they vote in the referendum. We will be sharing further updates soon.

Lastly, we are very excited about the National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) which is coming up soon in September. We are also preparing and have information about the themes. We have a logo you can download and use on your events. Please let us know, we can share your events on our website, too. We also have a couple of things in the works that we are preparing so please watch this space.

Whew that’s a lot happening recently!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will try our best to respond to you. Thank you.

Visual descriptions

Opening slide: Opening slide features white Deaf Australia logo on a blue and green gradient background. Text reads "Acting CEO Update. Published 1 September 2023."

Video: Shirley is a light-skinned Asian person with dark hair. She is wearing her hair tied back and has a dark maroon coloured jumper on. The wall behind her is plain and beige. She is signing in a professional and friendly manner towards the camera.

Closing slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

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