Media ReleaseUpdates

Suicide Postvention Update


I would like to share a message on behalf of a few organisations – Deaf Australia, Deaf Connect, Deaf Victoria and Expression Australia.  We would like to acknowledge recent events in Australia that had profound impact on the deaf community. We have lost two amazing men, we recognise the immediate need in the community to receive support through this sad period.

The four organisations know that the Deaf community needs support now from various organisations and services, and to understand how to support each other.

We would like to confirm that we are collaborating with Standby organization. They specialize in post suicide supports. We want to ensure the community receive right support they need during this time. We intent to create resources for you to use, ensure there’s right professionals and interpreters available for you to meet.

We are focusing on what we can do now, what we can do in the coming weeks, and what we can do in the long term. A lot of work is being done in the background, and we want to be transparent and will share as much as possible – including more information about supports, services, resources in Auslan. We are seeking expert advice and support too.

We apologise for release the information today not earlier this week. We wanted to have right information for you all. We will also be sharing what services and resources are available in Auslan following expert advice from Australia and overseas.

We also welcome any person with experience in deaf mental health to reach out your interest in supporting the community through counselling, support person or resources development by contacting Deaf Australia at [email protected]. Additionally, if you would like to get more information or let us know something, please also contact me at the same email address. 

There will be another video coming up later today about the Standby organisation.

There will be more videos coming up. Please take care of yourself and each other.

Lifeline: Text 13 11 14

Beyond blue:



Deaf Australia  - [email protected]

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