The first documented landing of a white person on Australian soil by Dutchman Willem Janszoon.
The English arrive to take over and colonise Australia.
First Nations people are moved onto reserves and missions.
Assimilation policies enforced on First Nations people who were seen as not fully First Nations people.
First Nations people were active in setting up organisations to advocate for full citizenship and equal human rights.
First recorded Day of Mourning and Protest to highlight 150 years of white settlement in NSW.
Removal of First Nations children from their families are increased in significant numbers & forced to ‘assimilate.’
Full citizenships granted to First Nations people of Australia after a referendum. First Nations children still removed from their families.
First Nations people are given the right to self-determination, to make decisions about their own lives. First Nations children still removed from their families.
First Nations people are given the right to self-management. First Nations people can manage government projects and funding yet have little say over what they need. First Nations children still removed from their families.
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody begins. It examines deaths of First Nations peoples in custody from 1980 – 1989.
Paul Keating begins the reconciliation movement. Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody releases recommendations to avoid this happening again.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) report Recognition, Rights and Reform said their consultations across the country found overwhelming support for the recognition of Indigenous Australians in the constitution.
National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families begins.
Report Bringing Them Home of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families released.
More than 250,000 people walk over the Sydney Harbour Bridge calling for reconciliation and recognising First Nations people in the constitution.
Northern Territory National Emergency Response brings significant devastation to First Nations families and their lives. Human rights concerns were raised in response to this intervention.
Kevin Rudd delivers the Stolen Generation Apology in Parliament, for the mistreatment of First Nations Australians.
The first Closing The Gap outcomes to address disadvantages experienced by First Nations people released.
Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott convey support for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill.
Ken Wyatt tables a report on progress towards a referendum on Indigenous recognition in the constitution. Political and Indigenous leaders plotted a path to referendum.
The Uluru Heart Statement is released, a consensus document on constitutional recognition of First Nations people.
Anthony Albanese commits to the Voice referendum at the Federal election.
Anthony Albanese releases the draft document of the constitution modified to recognise First Nations People.
The Voice referendum will be held. What will be the result...?