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WFD Board Nominee Announcement – May 2023


Hi, I'm Jen, CEO of Deaf Australia. Deaf Australia is a member of the World Federation of the Deaf. WFD is an international organisation that advocates on a global level to the United Nations for issues that relate to the Deaf community, which also results in influencing other countries across the globe. They are our parent body, and we are a member.

In July, in South Korea the WFD is holding its next congress. It is held every four years in which people across the world get together to discuss different topics. Before the WFD Congress there is the the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section, WFDYS, where Deaf Australia’s very own staff member, Shirley Liu is the current board president. Her term on the board will be finishing up this July.

The Congress itself includes opportunities to attend presentations and networking events. I will be attending alongside Deaf Australia’s Board chairperson Debra Swann to represent Deaf Australia at the general meeting, where we will vote on various issues and vote on where the next conference will be held in four years’ time along with other things. Additionally, the Board farewells and welcomes new board members every 4 years at the congress. Some people may also continue serving on the WFD board.

I wanted to let you all know that on behalf of Deaf Australia, I have put forward a nominee for the WFD Board and that person is Shirley Liu. Deaf Australia called for an expression of interest across Australia for volunteers to put their hand up for the WFD board. Shirley was one of the applicants who had put herself forward, and that application then went through our board’s process and with that being successful, we have now put forward Shirley Liu as a nominee for the WFD Board.

We wish Shirley all the best in this endeavour and hope for her successful appointment in Korea. We will let you know the outcome once voting has occurred in July. I know that they will see what fantastic work she has done for the WFDYS and see what an asset she would be to the WFD board. It is a competitive process, fingers crossed. Thank you.

Visual description

Visual description opening slide:

Background is a blue and green gradient with white Deaf Australia logo at the top center. The main title is blue text in a white button that reads “WFD Board Nominee Announcement”. Below the button is small white text that reads “May 2023”.

Visual description video:

Jen is signing in this video a message to the viewer. She is wearing a grey cardigan and a black t-shirt with her sign name illustration on it. She is sitting on a beige couch with a light beige wall behind her. She has curly red hair, light skin, and wears clear-rimmed glasses. She is signing in a professional and happy manner.

Visual description closing slide:

Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

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