Project Officer Role
We are recruiting a project officer who would be responsible for updating the ‘What standards? The need for evidence-based Auslan translations standards and production guidelines’, written in 2015. Your primary tasks would be as outlined below:
- Review current usage and compliance across Australia;
- Improve guidelines for Deafblind consumers, who had minimal input to the original project; and
- Incorporate emerging Auslan-first products, often viewed as a better alternative to translations.
The intended outcome is to have an updated Auslan translation guidelines for current and foreseeable requirements, including mechanisms for compliance and evaluation processes; deeper consideration of Deafblind needs; and an understanding of when Auslan-first products should be produced instead of Auslan translations.
The position is .3 FTE over 1.5 years, please see attached job description for more information, and contact Jen Blyth at [email protected] for more information or to send in your EOI and CV. Applications can be in Auslan or English.
Applications close on Tuesday 14 November 2023, 5pm AEDT.