Complaints Policy
There may be times where Deaf Australia does not meet your expectations.
This policy has been designed to provide guidance to both our clients, stakeholders and staff on the way Deaf Australia receives and manages your complaint. In these circumstances we encourage you to contact us and let us know.
Complaints Policy for Board Members
The board and staff of Deaf Australia take very seriously complaints against members of the board. Complaints made against a board member of Deaf Australia should be referred to either the CEO or Chairperson. In the Complaints Policy, a complaint is defined as: ‘…an expression of unhappiness by a person or group of people about information we provide and campaigns we are working on.’
Preferred Auslan Interpreters: Position Paper
This Position Paper challenges the assumption that a NAATI Certification alone is sufficient for the communication needs of a Deaf client by defending the Deaf client’s right to their preferences in interpreter.
Deaf Australia Constitution
Deaf & Signing Ecosystem Policy
This policy supersedes the Auslan Endorsement System (2009) – which provided endorsements to Auslan products according to two distinct categories.