Category: Sponsored Posts

Willing to Work: Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with Disability


The Hon. Susan Ryan, AO, Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner, on behalf of the Australian Human Rights Commission, is conducting a National Inquiry into employment discrimination against older Australians and Australians with disability.

The Inquiry will examine the barriers to employment for people with disability and older people.
The Commission is proud to have this information now available in Auslan with subtitles to ensure deaf people have access to this information.
The video explains how you can make a submission and be a part of our public consultations. Watch the Auslan video to see how.

Are you aware of the recent changes to DES Employment Services?


Have you received a letter from DEEWR about your current Employment Service. Don’t know what to do about it?

With the new changes you can now choose a Deaf Specialist Provider in most states including: Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, New South Wales and South Australia.

If you have received a letter and don’t do anything you will be automatically allocated to a provider that may not meet your personal needs.
If you have any questions about this from any state in Australia our staff at Sign For Work will be happy to help.

Who are we?

Sign For Work is part of Deaf Services Australia – Employment Group – Deaf and hard of hearing specialists.
We provide Deaf Specialist Employment Services in West Australia (partnership with WADS and we are called Deafinite Employment Services.
In Queensland and Victoria we operate as Sign For Work.
All our services provide:

  • Auslan fluent staff
  • Access to Auslan interpreters for interviews
  • Support with training
  • Access to professional vocational counselors or psychologists (Auslan Experienced)
  • Access to interview practice and developing job ready skills
  • Funding towards work related expenses eg. licences, work boots, uniforms and some course costs
  • Dedicated marketers that go out and approach employers for you to find suitable work

Our commitment is to help you find the job you want.

To find out more about our service or what services are available in your state please contact us at [email protected]
Locations of our state offices are:
Perth: Deafinite Employment, Suite 46/5 Aberdeen Street, East Perth.
Melbourne – St Kilda: Sign For Work, 597 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne
Melbourne – Fitzroy: Sign For Work, 95 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Brisbane – Stafford: Sign For Work, 271A Stafford Road, Stafford
[content_box style=”green” title=”Sponsored Post Disclaimer”] This post has been prepared and sponsored by Sign For Work (part of Deaf Services Australia- Employment Group) and is a paid advertisement. [/content_box]

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