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Update from DA board member Kai regarding WFD 2027 Congress location


On 12th July, following the completion of the 2023 WFD Congress in South Korea, Deaf Australia would like to provide you with a follow-up update regarding the outcomes arising from the video released about the winning bid for the UAE to host the next WFD Congress in 2027.

Deaf Australia, along with 21 other countries, submitted a motion to call for an EGA (Extraordinary General Assembly) to address concerns related to the upcoming congress. The intention behind this motion is not to withdraw the hosting rights from the UAE but rather to ensure that no discrimination towards LGBTIQA+ people occur, and that freedom of speech is safeguarded during the event.

WFD has formally sent through an acknowledgement and receipt of this motion and has informed their members that the motion has been added to their next Board meeting agenda. We do not know when this board meeting is, but the Board has announced that they will provide updates to us in August about how they plan to proceed with the hosting of the EGA.

Normally, at the closing ceremony of the WFD Congress, the flag is handed over to the next hosting country. However, this did not happen, and we, Australia, are not happy about this. We think that the flag presentation should have happened, and normal processes should have happened while these issues were being resolved.

We are aware of another motion from 21 other countries who oppose the motion for an EGA. Their motion includes very valid points about not creating a divide between Deaf people and communities, and the democracy processes being upheld; and stresses the importance of respecting diverse customs, laws and values across different nations. We agree with these points, however we want to ensure that ALL Deaf people, whatever their identity is, can participate freely and as little or much as they want to.   

When we receive more information, we will update you. Thank you.

Visual description

Opening slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a blue and green gradient background. Text reads “Published 31 July 2023. Update from DA Board Member Kai Regarding WFD 2027 Congress Location.”

Video: Kai is wearing a black t-shirt, has short dark hair, and is standing against a grey background. He is signing with a clear and open manner towards the camera.

Closing slide: Graphic features white Deaf Australia logo on a green and blue gradient background. Text reads “Deaf Australia is a Deaf-leg advocacy and information organisation in Australia representing all Deaf, Deafblind, and hard-of-hearing people and others who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as their language of preference. Contact us: [email icon] [email protected], [website icon], [Instagram and Twitter icons] @deafaustralia, [Facebook icon] DeafAustraliaInc”

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