The federal election is happening this Saturday! Below is a summary of how the major parties' policies stack up.
We (Deaf Australia Inc & Deaf Connect) make this information available for the benefit of our community and not as an endorsement of any party or candidate.
English information by topic:
English information by party:
Visual description
Deaf related election promises
- $2 million to train hearing assistance dogs
- Continue funding the NDIS
- Increase community partnerships to deliver NDIS
- Quicker and easier access to assistive technology
- Continue to support Roadmap for Hearing Health
Other disability policy that impacts Deaf people
- 7% target for disability employment in Australian Public Service by 2025
Deaf related election promises
- Three new Shepherd Centre centres ($6.5 million) plus $1.5 million online training in speech and emotional resilience
- Stop cuts to NDIS plans
- Review how NDIS operates
- Increase number of people with disabilities on NDIS Board and Executive
- An additional 380 staff for NDIA
- A promise of an extra 83,000 more workers for NDIS
Other disability policy that impacts Deaf people
- Double support for funding for disability advocacy organisations (including Deaf Australia)
Deaf related election promises
- $30 million to increase availability of Auslan interpreters
- Remove age 65 limit to access NDIS
- Lift staffing cap for NDIS
- Disability awareness training for NDIS staff
- Higher investment in NDIS advocacy
Other disability policy that impacts Deaf people
- 20% target for disability employment in Australian Public Service
- Expand regulatory requirement for captioning
- Commitment to close special schools (including Deaf schools) by 2030 as part of making schools inclusive
- $30 million increase in funding for disability advocacy organisations (including Deaf Australia)
- Implement all recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission
- Ensure that disabled people in the criminal legal system are able to access disability supports and reasonable adjustments and modifications, including the NDIS
- Invest an initial $10 million over four years working with disable people, DROs and education institutes to develop model curricula for health professionals
- Establish an Office of Disability Strategy within the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to oversee the coordination and monitoring of the NDIS
- Invest $15 million over the forward estimates to ensure emergency responders and disaster relief services receive disability awareness training