Deaf Australia ActivitiesUpdatesWorkshops & Forums

Deaf Australia is visiting Darwin to engage with the Deaf Community 


Sherrie: Deaf Australia, along with various board members, will be traveling across Australia from June until August to meet with the Deaf community.NDIS Review - this will be a paid opportunity for participants. NDIS Youth Review - each state will have a young person responsible to run this workshop.

Jen: The NDIS review session is important.

If you come, you will be able to talk about your experiences with the NDIS, both positive and negative. I will take on all of your information and then give it to the NDIS, so they can learn and understand how to adapt to work with you, the Deaf community. We will ask questions like, do you have a good or bad experience with the NDIS; whether the NDIS understands you as a Deaf person; what good things you want more of; what things you want less of; whether you are happy with your plan, especially in comparison to others who have a NDIS plan would you want everyone to have similar plans or different. We will ask many different questions.

We will be going to all the states in Australia this year. You will also have an opportunity to meet us at Deaf Australia before or after the events.

You will be paid for coming to the NDIS Review. Those who are Deaf, Deafblind or hard of hearing – all those who have plans will be paid $140 for two hours, and $50 per hour afterwards.

Those who are not Deaf, Deafblind or hard of hearing, and support Deaf people, will be paid, but at a lesser rate per hour.

Sherrie: They will be scheduled over the weekends to ensure community participation.

RSVP is essential for attendance.

Deaf Australia is visiting Darwin to engage with the Deaf Community.

You will have the opportunity to be paid for attending an NDIS review and sharing your feedback.

Morning Session – 10am – 1pm

NDIS Review for families with deaf children

(paid opportunity – limited spaces)

Afternoon Session – 2pm – 5pm

NDIS Review for deaf adults with NDIS plan

(paid opportunity – limited spaces) 

Evening session – 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Deaf Australia Constitution consultation and socialising – open invitation

RSVP* here:

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