
Election Campaign Update


This week, Deaf Connect and Deaf Australia met with Emma Dawson, Executive Director and Michael D’Rosario, Research Economist from Per Capita

Per Capita have now commenced their research into the status and value of Auslan in Australia; this includes an extensive literature review, and economic and social policy analysis

The aim of the research is to provide an evidence base for our campaign to secure a Government Review into the status and value of Auslan in Australia, which we hope will prompt further action to address several key advocacy issues that were raised during our live stream event.

The first draft of the 10,000-15,000-word report will be received by mid to late March and will undergo a review process undertaken by both Deaf Australia and Deaf Connect. Ensuring we are satisfied with the content and direction of the report, in line with the community feedback collated from our consultation and our sector expertise

Deaf Connect, Deaf Australia and Per Capita will host a webinar for the community to present an overview of the research findings. Time: Sometime in April seems reasonable

Phase two of the campaign will include an advocacy and engagement strategy which will be developed and executed with support from Per Capita ahead of the 2022 federal election.When: April onwards

Further information about our advocacy and engagement strategy, including timelines, marketing collateral and ways to get involved, will soon follow over the coming weeks once Per Capita’s research report has been completed

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